Annotated Resource List for Families of Children with Cancer and the Professionals Who Care for Them, Toronto: Candlelighters Canada, 1993.
At the Will of the Body, Arthur Frank, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992.
The Big Fall; Living with Hair Loss, Sheila Jacobs, Burnaby, BC: New Century Books, 1992.
Cancer and Hope: Charting a Survival Course, Judith Garrett Garrison and Scott Sheperd, Minneapolis, MN: CompCare Publishers, 1989.
A Cancer Source Book for Nurses, Susan B. Baird, RN, MPH, RA, 6th ed., Atlanta: American Cancer Society, 1992.
Cancervive: The Challenge of Life after Cancer, Susan Nessim and Judith Ellis, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992.
Changes Choices, and Challenges: A guide to coping with hair loss and skin changes from cancer and its treatment, Mississauga: Look Good . . . Feel Better, 1990.
Choices: For People Who have a Terminal Illness, Their Families and Their Caregivers, Harry van Bommel, 4th ed., Toronto: NC Press, 1993.
Communicating with Cancer Patients and Their Families, Andrew Blitzer, MD, et al., Philadelphia: The Charles Press, 1990.
Coping with an Ostomy, Robert H. Phillips, Wayne, NJ: Avery Publishing Group, 1986.
Cross-Cultural Caring: A Handbook for Health Professionals in Western Canada, Nancy Waxler-Morrison, Joan M. Anderson and Elizabeth Richardson, eds., Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1990.
The Diagnosis is Cancer: A Psychological and Legal Resource Handbookfor Cancer Patients, Their Families and Helping Professionals, Edward J. Larshan and Richard Larschan, Palo Alto,CA; Bull Publishing, 1986.
Helping Yourself, Toronto: Canadian Cancer Society, n.d. (Two tapes and a workbook to help you manage stress.)
How to Break Bad News: A Guide for Health Care Professionals, Robert Buckman, MD, with Yvonne Kason, MD, Toronto: University of Toronto, Press, 1992.
I Can Cope: Staying Healthy with Cancer, Judi Johnson and Linda Klein, rev. ed., Minneapolis, Chronimed Publishing, 1994.
I Don't Know What to Say: How to Help and Support Someone Who is Dying, Robert Buckman, MD, with Ruth Gallop, RN, and Rev. John Martin, Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1988.
The Intelligent Patient Guide to Prostate Cancer, S. Larry Goldenberg, MD, FRCSC, Vancouver: Intelligent Patient Guide, 1992.
Making Cancer Less Painful, Patrick J. McGrath, PhD, G. Allen Finley, MD, FRCPC, and Catherine J. Turner, RN, MN, Halifax: Izaak Walton Killam Children's Hospital, 1992.
One, Two, Three . . . Ouchless, 7-minute video to help children and their families deal with the pain of treatment. Toronto: Candlelighters Canada.
Parent Group Resource Manual, for parents or professionals who wish to start or evaluate a parent support group, Toronto: Candlelighters Canada, 1992.
Parents of Children with Cancer Speak Out, Problems and Sources of Help, David Adams, Toronto: Candlelighters Canada, n.d.
Rehabilitation Exercises for the Cancer Patient, Ernest Rosenbaum, Francine Manuel, Judith Bray, Isadora Rosenbaum and Arthur Cerf, Palo Alto, Ca: Bull Publishing, 1980.
School Re-entry Resource Manual, Toronto: Candlelighters Canada, 1993.
That Other Place: A Personal Account of Breast Cancer, Penelope Williams, Toronto: Dundum Press, 1993.
Try It! A Cookbook for Cancer Patients, Lee Cowan with Pam Smith and Holly Cockburn, Edmonton: Cross Cancer Institute, n.d.
Understanding Acute Leukemia: Information for Patients and Families, Constance McAdams, RN, PhD, rev. ea., Toronto: Canadian Cancer Society, Ontario Division, 1986.
Witness to Illness, Karen E. Horowitz and Douglas M. Lanes, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1992.
A series of books on breast cancer published by the YM-YWCA of Winnipeg: